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Give Hope To Women Rising Through Recovery

Your donation will provide a completed continuum of care in West Michigan for women seeking substance use treatment.

$2,720,334 raised

$3,000,000 goal

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Help Women Rise Through Recovery

The path to recovery looks different for each woman. Some women need detoxification to start their journeys, while others can begin with outpatient treatment. Regardless, the window of when a client is willing to seek treatment is fleeting. The 2021 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that 18.998 million women ages 18 and older in the U.S. have Substance Use Disorder, but only 8% of women receive treatment. The pandemic and job market has forced many substance use treatment centers to temporary or permanently close, resulting in more barriers, while the opioid crisis and pandemic have increased the need for treatment facilities. Any barrier to treatment deters clients from seeking or continuing treatment. A substance abuse treatment center that offers a complete continuum of care to minimalize barriers does not exist in West Michigan for women with low-income. We are here to change that and need your help.

Our Hope Association is conducting our Rising Through Recovery Capital Campaign to expand our substance use treatment services to offer a complete continuum of care. Our goal for the Capital Campaign is to raise $3 million to cover the cost of the new facility, renovations and improvements, landscaping, furnishings, and campaign expenses. The expansion will provide women from across Michigan a safe place to receive treatment at every level of care all through one organization. Services will include a Withdrawal Management unit for acute-detoxification services, our 90-Day Long-Term Residential Treatment program, Intensive Outpatient (IOP), Outpatient services, and opportunities for Sober Living following the completion of residential treatment.

Our Hope partners with Community Mental Health agencies and Prepaid Inpatient Health Plan organizations to provide treatment to low-income women. Our partners have been asking us for years to expand our services to offer this unique opportunity for treatment. We will be the only treatment center in the 36 counties we serve to offer detoxification services paired with a 90-day residential program. The additional variety of aftercare services will strengthen our clients’ chances of maintaining lifelong recovery.

Pregnant women and partnering mothers will remain a priority population of the clients we serve. We will have additional space for more mothers to bring their babies into treatment alongside them. Additionally, the new facility is handicap accessible allowing us to treat a new underserved community.

We are asking for your help to make these treatment services available to women needing recovery treatment. We have already purchased the building and started on construction because we believe in the importance of this project and the generosity of the community.

Please donate today to make a difference in the lives of women ready to rise through recovery.